Thursday, June 29 • 12:10 - 12:50
(Live Virtual) Enhancing System Security by Integrating Zephyr Bootloader and MCUboot - Afzal Hasan & Priya Dixit, Samsung Semiconductor India Research

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This talk will cover how integrating Zephyr Bootloader and MCUboot will enhance the system security. It will cover about Zephyr Bootloader which contains definition of bootloader and its role in system security, benefits of using Zephyr Bootloader for system security, techniques for implementing secure bootloader. It will also cover about MCUboot which contains introduction to MCUboot and its features, advantages of integrating MCUboot, techniques for implementing secure bootloader using MCUboot. We will explore about combining Zephyr Bootloader and MCUboot for system security. Synergies between Zephyr Bootloader and MCUboot, benefits of combining the two techniques for system security, best practices for implementing zephyr bootloader and MCUboot integration for system security and case studies of successful implementations of Zephyr Bootloader and MCUboot integration for system security. In conclusion, we will cover summary of key points, importance of enhancing system security in firmware development and future directions for research and development.

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Priya Dixit

Staff Engineer, Samsung Semiconductor India R&D Center
Having over 8+ years of experience, I am passionate about Linux Kernel Internals. In the past years, I have worked on bootloaders, various device drivers and Kernel Internals. I like to demystify the complicated features and designs. I am up looking for the advancements in the current... Read More →

Afzal Hasan

Associate Staff Engineer, Samsung Semiconductor India Research
Afzal Hasan is currently working as a device driver and system architecture developer for Embedded Linux as well as bare metal.

Thursday June 29, 2023 12:10 - 12:50 CEST
Accel Events Platform + Meeting Room 4.1 (Level 4)